The Pre-Order Campaign for the fast-paced thriller ‘The Stone Lotus’ is now available until October 31st to offer the unique opportunity to get the exclusive Spanish edition at a discounted price for a limited time. Starting today, all readers who want to be part of the ‘Pioneer Agents’ will be able to reserve their numbered copy that will have their name printed on it and will be included in the acknowledgments.
The Early Pre-Order Campaign is carried out through the Mark of Odin online platform, offering an exclusive paper and digital edition at €20 and €5, respectively. In addition to the numbered copy, the printed name and inclusion in the acknowledgments, readers who opt for the printed edition will also have free access to the digital one, free bookmarks, personalized dedication of the author and home delivery.
We’re looking into offering separate exclusive t-shirts as well, and depending on how the campaign evolves, see if we can include more free extras for all readers who pre-order.
In addition, while the Early Pre-Order Campaign for ‘El loto de piedra’ lasts, all editions of The Mark of Odin, both on paper and digital, will be available with a 10% discount.
Don’t wait any longer and get your exclusive Early Pre-Order edition of the thriller ‘El loto de piedra’.